A simple guide to care at home for adults who are COVID-19 positive. It includes key points about when to seek medical advice and how to manage your symptoms.
Could the ‘Healthy Weight’ programme, to be ready for summer, be right for you? Dr Cushla Borthwick and Practice Nurse Tracy have flexible options to assist you towards developing a healthy lifestyle.
Information for potential new patients of Green Bay Medical Centre
We were all delighted when the news came that Dr Morag Hardy had been awarded the QSM. The process had been started some years ago by Mrs Woods on the left of the group photo. Morag is accompanied by the Governor-General and her husband, and by members of her family. 25 May 2018
Back in the prehistoric days, the theory is we lived on grass, raw roots and the occasional mammoth with frequent prolonged periods of fasting- so mainly meat and greens...